





Organising team: Dr. Gregor Buss, Dr. Yonatan N. Gez, Dr. Marlous van Waijenburg, Dr. Ruthie Stern, Manya Kagan and Tamara Kerzhner

An interdisciplinary two-year workshop series focused on Africa                                                     

Over the 2016-2017 academic year, The Truman Institute’s Africa Unit launched Africounters, an interdisciplinary workshop series focused on Africa. With over 65 people registered members, the initiative proved that there is a keen interest in the promotion of African Studies at the Hebrew University.

The Africounters initiative is collaborative by design. Decisions are taken in a democratic, inclusive way, and divergent opinions are welcome. Over the 2016-2017 academic year, the group met for eight sessions, focusing on: defining African Studies; migration; education; nationalism; culture; religion; and economic development. Each session followed a different structure, and highlighted a different aspect of Africanist scholarship. Some sessions included excursions, some included guest speakers from Israel and abroad.

The Africounters group invites everyone who has a keen scholarly interest in Africa to join us for the next academic year!

The first meeting will take place on Sunday the 22nd of October, between 11:00-14:00 at Abba Eban Hall, Truman Institute at Mount Scopus Campus, Jerusalem. 

The first meeting we will have guest speaker Professor Lynn Schler, director of the African Center at the Ben Gurion University who will share her experiences as an Africanist in the Israeli Academia with us. The meeting will also provide an opportunity for us to discuss and decide together on the vision for this academic year.

Participation is free of charge and refreshments will be provided.

For more information please see attached

Pictures from Africounters 2016-2017

You are invited to contact us by email at, and join us on our facebook group:

Looking forward to welcoming you to Africounters