Prof. Raphael Israeli
Areas of Expertise: Islam: in history, in the Middle East, in the Far East and in the world of Terror

Raphael Israeli Born in Fes, Morocco, currently teaching Islamic, Chinese and Middle Eastern History at Hebrew University Graduate of Hebrew University in History and Arabic Literature, PhD in Chinese and Islamic History from the University of California, Berkeley in 1974.
Since 1974 Lecturer and then Professor of Islamic and Chinese History at Hebrew University, with sabbatical periods spent at York University in Toronto, the University of Pittsburg’s Semester at Sea program, Harvard University, Boston University, Australian National University in Canberra, Melbourne University and Naruto University in Japan. Fellow of the JErusalm Center since the 1970s.
Author of over 50 research books and a dozen edited books, and some 100 scholarly articles in the fields of Islamic radicalism, Islamic terrorism, the Modern Middle East, Islam in China and Asia and Europe.
Main Publications:
- Muslims in China: a Study of Cultural Confrontation, Curzon and Humanities Press, London and Atlantic Heights, 1980, 260 pp. (Identical with PhD dissertation).
- The Public Diary of President Sadat (Translated and annotated speeches and interviews of President Sadat), social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East, Vol. XXV, Brill, Leiden, 3 Vol. 1978-9.
Vol.I, The Road to War, 450 pp. 1978
Vol.II, The Road of Diplomacy, 450 pp., 197
Vol.III, The Road of Pragmatism, 450 pp. and analytical index, 1979 - Egypt: Aspects of the Political Thought of President Sadat (a compendium of his sayings) Leonard Davis Institute of International Relations, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1981, 180 pp.
- The Crescent in the East: Islam in Asia Major, Curzon and Humanities Press, London and Atlantic Heights, 1982, 244 pp. (a collection of articles).
- R.Israeli and A. Johns (ed.) Islam in Asia, Vol. II: Southeast Asia, Magnes and Westview Press, Jerusalem and Boulder, 1984, 280 pp. (a collection of papers).
- (ed)The PLO in Lebanon: Selected Documents Weidenfeld and Nicolson and St. Martins Press, London and New Youk, 1983, 300 pp. (translated and annotated documents seized by Israel during the war in Lebanon).
- Metin Heper and R. Israeli (eds.) Islam and Politics in the Modern Middle East, Croom Helm and St. Martins Press, London and New York, 1984, 130 pp. (a collection of papers).
- Man of Defiance: A Political Biography of Anwar Sadat, Weidenfeld and Nicolson and Barnes and Noble, London and Totowa, 1985, 300 pp.
- Peace is in the Eye of the Beholder (Images of Israel in the Arab Media), Mouton Press, Berlin, New York and Amsterdam, 1985, 380 pp.
- Palestinians Between Israel and Jordan:Squaring the Triangle, Praeger, New York, 1991, 200 pp + index.
- A Critical Bibliography of Chinese Islam, Greenwood Press, 1994, 200 pp + index.
- Muslim Fundamentalism in Israel, Brassey's, London 1993, 190 pp + index
- Fundamentalist Islam and Israel (Essays in Interpretation), the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, University Press of America 1993, 200 pp. + index.
- Poison: the Modern Manifestations of Blood Libel, Rowman and Littledfield, Madison, 2002. 260 pp.
- Green Crescent Over Nazareth: The Displacement of Christians by Muslims, Frank Cass, London, 2002, 200 pp.
- Jerusalem Divided: the Armistice Regime (1947-67), Frank Cass, London, 2002, 220 pp.
- Islam in China:Religion, Ethnicity, Culture and Politics, Lexington Books, 2002 , 250pp.
- Islamikaze: Manifestations of Islamic Martyrology, Frank Cass, London, 2003
- War, Peace and Terror in the Middle East , Frank Cass, London, 2003
- The Iraq War: Hidden Agendas and Babylonian Intrigue, Sussex Academic Press, 2004.
- Living with Islam: The Sources of Today's Fundamentalist Islam (Hebrew), Achiasaf, Netanya, 2006
- (ed.) Dangers of a Palestinian State, Geffen, Jerusalem, 2003.
- Islam in China:Religion, Ethnicity, Culture and Politics, Rowman and Littlefield (Lexington Books), Maryland , 2002
- Poison: Manifestations of a Blood Libel , Lexington Books, 2002.
- Arabs in Israel :Friends or Foes (Hebrew and English), Ariel Books, 2002 and 2007.
- The Spread of Islamikaze Islam into Europe, Vallentine Mitchell, London, 2008
- Islamic Radicalism and Political Violence: The Templars of Islam and Sheikh Ra’id Salah, Vallentine Mitchell, London, 2008
- Palestinians Between Nationalism and Islam : a Collection of Essays, Vallentine Mitchell, London, 2008
- Piracy in Qumran: The Battle over the Scrolls of the Pre-Christ Era, Transaction, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 2008
- The Islamic Challenge in Europe, Transaction, Rutgers University Press, 2008
- Muslim Minorities in the Modern State, Transaction, Rutgers University Press, 2008
- Muslim anti-Semitism in Christian Lands, Transaction, 2009
- Back to Nowhere, Moroccan Jews in Fantasy and Reality, Lambert, Germany, 2010 (also in Hebrew in Jerusalem).
- Dabry : The Opening of China by the French, Lambert, Germany, 2011
- The Blood Libel and its Derivatives , Transaction, 2012
- The Oslo Idea: The Euphoria of Failure, Transaction, 2012
- Israel's New Strategic Dilemmas , Strategic Publishing in Texas, 2013
- Death Camps in Croatia: Visions and Revisions (English and Serbian), Transaction, 2013
- From Arab Spring to Islamic Winter : Roots and Consequences , Transaction, NJ(2013)
- and A. Benabou, Savagery in the Heart of Europe: the Bosnia War (1992-5), Strategic Books, Texas, 2013.
- Hatred, Lies and Violence in the Islamic World, Transaction, NJ, 2014.
- Defeat, Trauma, Lesson: Israel Between Life and Extinction, Strategic Books, TX, 2014
- Israel's Nightmares:Palestinian and Islamic Zombies Haunting Israel, Strategic Books, 2015
- Years of Upheaval: The Axial Years in Islam since 1989, Transaction, NJ, 2015
- The Internationalization of ISIS,Transaction, 2016.
- Old Historians, New Historians, No Historians : the Derailed Debate on 1948, WIPF and STOCK Publishers, Or., 2016
- Christianophobia : Christian Minorities persecuted in the lands of Islam, WIPF and STOCK Publishers, Or., 2016
- Pisces out of Morocco : The Clandestine Emigration of Jews, Strategic Books, Tx, 2016
- Open and Hidden Processes among Israeli Arabs (Hebrew), Gabbai, Jerusalem, 2017