Truman-Swiss whole day workshop


Monday, July 15, 2024 (All day)


Opening Remarks and Greetings

Prof. Asher Cohen, President of the Hebrew University

Prof. Ifat Maoz, Head of the Truman Institute

Keynote Lecture

Prof. Peter Coleman, Columbia University: 

Struggling to Find the Way Out: Lessons from the Columbia University Crisis  

Chair: Prof. Limor shifman, Hebrew University


Prof. Tamir Sheafer, Rector of the Hebrew University

Ambassador Yossi Gal, VP for University Advancement and External Relations

Keynote Lecture

Prof. Shaul Shalvi, University of Amsterdam:

Willful Ignorance: How Avoiding Information Affects Cooperation  

Chair and Discussant:  Prof. Ilana Ritov, Hebrew University