Truman-Swiss Joint Seminar


Monday, May 20, 2024, 12:30pm to 2:45pm




East Jerusalem Panel (in English) presenting and discussing the findings of the East Jerusalem 2023-24 project:

The academic and professional aspirations, dilemmas and trajectories of young Palestinian East Jerusalem women

Panel Chair: Dr. Samira Alayan, the Truman Institute, Principle Investigator of the Truman East Jerusalem Project: Introduction and presentation of the project

Truman Institute Research team: Areen Mustafa, Duha Abu Dalu, Jinan Rasas, Jude Abdulatif, Miral Ansari, Rojeh Gharfeh, Rua Albustami: Presentation of research experience and preliminary findings


Prof. Camelia Suleiman, MSU

Netta Porzycki, Truman Institute:

Education and employment in East Jerusalem: Some background statistical data